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Understanding Birthright Citizenship

 Posted on January 29, 2025 in English

VA immigration lawyerLast week, a federal judge blocked an executive order to end birthright citizenship – at least temporarily. The order would have denied automatic citizenship to children born in the United States to noncitizen parents. The judge who blocked the executive order called it "blatantly unconstitutional." There is currently a four-state (Arizona, Illinois, Oregon, and Washington) lawsuit challenging the move to end birthright citizenship, and this hearing was only the first.

The lawsuit argues that the executive order violates the 14th Amendment, which guarantees citizenship to all those born on U.S. soil. Legal precedent dates back to a landmark 1898 Supreme Court case, United States v. Wong Kim Ark. This lawsuit is one of several, filed by 22 states and immigrant advocacy groups, all of which point out the harm to children who could be effectively left "stateless."

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How Are Children Impacted by Immigration Deportations?

 Posted on January 15, 2025 in English

VA immigration lawyerImmigration issues continue to be at the top of the news as a new administration is poised to take office. There is worry and concern among families that are made up of at least one undocumented immigrant. More than 16.7 million people across the United States share a home with at least one undocumented family member – often a parent. As many as six million of these individuals are children.

This means that when deportations occur, the children can suffer extensive economic, emotional, and developmental repercussions. Imagine, if you will, a mother with four young children being dragged away in handcuffs by ICE as her children watch. What will happen to these children? Will they see their mother again? Children of undocumented parents face exceptional challenges and risks when a parent is detained or deported.  

As we all wait to see what will happen, families with an undocumented member are likely anxious, stressed, and unsure of what to do. If you find yourself in this situation, it can be extremely beneficial to speak to a knowledgeable Herndon, VA immigration attorney who will assess your situation and help you determine your best course of action.

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Bringing Siblings to the U.S. Under Family-Based Immigration

 Posted on December 27, 2024 in English

VA immigration lawyerFamily-based immigration laws allow a person to bring his or her sibling to the United States, although siblings are not in the "immediate relative" category. The Immigration and Nationality Act defines an immediate relative only as a spouse, parent, or child under the age of 21 of a U.S. citizen. So, even though many of us think of our siblings as "immediate" relatives, immigration officials do not; siblings are known as "preference" relatives.  

Since the number of family-based visas that can be issued each year is limited, there is always a backlog for a brother or sister family-based visa. This means that families can be separated for many years, missing all the family milestones in the interim. If you have a family-based immigration issue, an experienced Herndon, VA immigration attorney can help.

How Does Family Preference Immigration Work?

The enactment of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 established family ties as the primary way for immigrants to come to America. Today, family visas account for about 65 percent of legal immigration each year. An average of 3.5 relatives are sponsored by a single American citizen.

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Financial Requirements and Considerations for Spousal Visas

 Posted on December 13, 2024 in English

VA immigration lawyerWhen a marriage or spousal visa is applied for, there are many requirements that must be met, not the least of which are financial requirements. All aspects of immigration are subject to change when the new administration takes office, so it is important to speak to an immigration attorney if there are any questions or concerns.  

A CR-1 spousal visa is a green card that allows a person from another country to live in the United States with his or her spouse, who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. A CR-1 is a conditional resident visa for those who have been married for less than two years. Two years after arriving in the U.S., the person with the CR-1 visa and his or her spouse must apply to remove the conditions from the green card. This means the person now has a 10-year permanent resident card.

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How Could Mass Deportation Plans Affect Virginia?

 Posted on November 25, 2024 in English

TX immigration lawyerVirginia’s Cardinal News reported some eye-opening facts in March 2024 regarding how mass deportation could affect the state. For the most part, that effect would not be positive. The most recent estimates from the Migration Policy Institute are from 2016, which placed Virginia’s undocumented population at about 250,000. It is safe to assume that this number has likely increased over the past eight years.

So, what would be the impact of removing a quarter of a million people – 70 percent of which are employed – from Virginia’s workforce? As you might imagine, the effect would be substantial. Family immigration issues are in a precarious place right now, leaving many filled with anxiety about the future. If you or a loved one are seeking some form of family-based immigration, now is the time to speak to a knowledgeable Herndon, VA family immigration attorney from Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC.

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What Are the Current Barriers to Family-Based Immigration?

 Posted on November 08, 2024 in English

VA immigration lawyerFamily unity is a foundational principle of our nation and our immigration system. As early as the 1920s, family relationships were one basis for admission into the United States. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 allowed any lawful permanent resident or U.S. citizen who is over the age of 21 to petition for family preference visas for specific family members.

These visas result in LPR status, which most people know as a green card. A green card offers a path to citizenship in the United States. If you want to obtain a family-based visa for a family member, it is important that you speak to an experienced Herndon, VA family-based immigration attorney from Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC. When you have a strong advocate in your corner, you are much more likely to have a positive outcome to your immigration issue.

Categories of Family Members for Family-Based Immigration

The family members groups for family-based immigration are immediate relatives such as a spouse, a U.S. citizen’s parent, or a minor child and family preference relatives that are divided into: 

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Can the Family of Refugees and Asylees Gain Derivative Status?

 Posted on October 17, 2024 in English

Herndon County, VA immigration lawyerMany circumstances around the world could result in people fleeing their homes and seeking safety elsewhere., and the landscape of immigration is more complex at this time in our nation than it has ever been. Terms like migrants, immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers are often used interchangeably, which only adds to the confusion.

Although there is a shared goal of finding sanctuary in a new country, there are different pathways to achieve these goals. One of those involves family members of refugees and asylees.  Those who came to the U. S. as a refugee or asylum seekers within the prior 24 months can now ask that specific members of his or her family be granted derivative asylum or refugee status.  If you believe your family members may qualify for derivative refugee or asylee status, it can be helpful to speak to a knowledgeable Herndon, VA immigration attorney from Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC.

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Keeping Families Together a Goal of Biden’s Immigration Plan

 Posted on October 08, 2024 in English

Herdon, VA immigration lawyerThe current administration released a statement in June 2024 outlining plans for immigration actions and detailing how lawful pathways for maintaining family unity can be expanded. President Biden stressed that immigrants who have been in the United States for most of their lives, "paying taxes and contributing to their communities are part of the social fabric of our country."

More needs to be done to create a sense of stability for those who currently live in families with a noncitizen family member such as Dreamers who were educated in the United States. Unfortunately, these improved plans for immigrant families could change after the November election. If you have questions about a family immigration issue, an experienced Herndon, VA immigration lawyer from Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC can help.

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Recent Changes to Family-Based Immigration Petitions | VA

 Posted on September 24, 2024 in English

Fairfax County, VA immigration lawyerIn late May of this year, the USCIS Policy Manual was upgraded to include additional or changed information on family-based immigration petitions. The upgrades include explanations on how approval notice errors are now handled and updated explanations regarding requests for consular processing or adjustment of status. Below, you will find additional information on these updates to family-based immigration petitions. If you have a family-based immigration issue, it can be beneficial to speak to a national immigration attorney from Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC.

What Are Family-Based Immigration Petitions?

The U.S. government limits the number of family-based immigration visas issued to foreign nationals each year. Permanent resident status allows a family member to live and work permanently in the U.S. An individual with an immigrant visa or a green card both have permanent resident status. Family-based immigration requires at least two family members — a beneficiary and a petitioner.

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Virginia Lawmakers Work on Immigration Bills Before Election

 Posted on August 10, 2024 in English

Fairfax, VA immigration attorneyThere is widespread uncertainty regarding immigration laws across the nation. In light of the upcoming presidential election, some Virginia lawmakers have proposed legislation that would support the state’s immigration population. Virginia is one of ten states where 70 percent of the new U.S. citizens from 2023 reside.

These bills range from allowing undocumented minors to access state-funded healthcare to allowing certain immigrants to be eligible for careers in law enforcement. Work-based green cards and pathways to citizenship for DACA recipients and TPS holders are also on the table. Right now, these bills are facing an uphill battle in the state, but that could change in November.  

Any immigration issue you have can be addressed by Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC, as our firm provides invaluable legal support in all types of immigration cases. As knowledgeable Herndon, VA immigration attorneys, we understand the many nuances of immigration law. We are committed to helping our clients achieve positive outcomes that will allow them to live successfully in America.

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