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Understanding a Request for Evidence

 Posted on June 03, 2022 in English

Applying for immigration status in the United States can be a long process. It's stressful and you likely just want it to be over. So it can come as a rude surprise when you receive a Request for Evidence. But there's no need to panic – it does not mean your application has been or is about to be denied.

Why did I get a Request for Evidence?

Every application for immigration status is assigned to a reviewing officer of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Their job is to determine whether your application meets the requirements of U.S. Immigration Law.

USCIS officers are bound by procedures and requirements too – if they send you a Request for Evidence (ROE), it does not mean they think there's something wrong with you; it simply means there's something missing or incomplete within your application.

What's included in a Request for Evidence?

An ROE is not intended to scare you or make you confused. In fact, clarity is the goal of an ROE. The ROE will tell you specifically which eligibility requirement has not been met and why it has not. If there's evidence required to be submitted, but it hasn't, the ROE will tell you what that evidence is. It will provide you with examples of the types of evidence that could be provided to satisfy the eligibility requirement and ask you to provide it.

An ROE is nothing more than the USCIS asking you for more information. It is not an immediate cause for concern. However, you should not wait to respond to it. If you need assistance collecting or submitting the additional evidence, seek the help of a professional who is experienced in U.S. Immigration Law. They can help to ensure that your reply to the ROE includes all of the additional information requested.

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