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What are my options if I get into a car wreck on the job?

 Posted on September 29, 2023 in Uncategorized

Many Virginians drive vehicles as part of their jobs. Aside from truckers, delivery drivers and other professional drivers, many others are expected to travel between worksites or to visit customers.

Whenever a worker drives for a living, there is also a chance they will get into a serious motor vehicle accident while they are on the job. These accidents could leave a person unable to work and facing major bills for medical and other expenses.

Without help, the victim and their family may have to bear these financial losses alone.

Furthermore, no one should underestimate the real cost of the pain and emotional fallout that comes in the wake of a major automobile accident.

Victims deserve compensation for these non-economic costs as well, even though they can be harder to put an exact dollar figure on.

If a person gets hurt on the job, workers' compensation may be available to help them. However, this benefit will not cover all their losses. For one, workers' compensation does not cover non-economic losses.

On the other hand, an employer who offers workers' compensation usually cannot be sued in court for work-related accidents.

The good news is that in some cases, a victim may have additional legal options. For example, if a negligent driver caused the victim's accident, then the victim can probably sue that driver to get additional compensation.

Virginia victims of accidents should make sure they know their legal rights

After a serious work-related motor vehicle accident, the last thing a victim and a family may think about is what their options are for making sure they have the compensation they need to move forward.

It may seem easier just to put the whole matter behind them as soon as possible. However, this attitude can wind up being a big mistake if it puts a victim's family in a difficult financial situation down the road.

Victims of job-related motor vehicle accidents should make sure they understand their options before agreeing to settlements.

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