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Las defensas más comunes contra las acusaciones de conducción en estado ebrio

 Posted on November 03, 2022 in Uncategorized

Una condena por conducir bajo la influencia de alcohol o drogas es devastadora para cualquier persona. Pero para alguien que no es ciudadano estadounidense, y que está pasando por el proceso de la naturalización, una condena criminal tiene un impacto especialmente inconveniente, porque puede poner en peligro la posibilidad de obtener la ciudadanía para esa persona.

Por eso una defensa sólida contra las acusaciones penales es esencial para cualquier inmigrante en esta situación. Pero ¿cómo se puede desafiar una acusación penal de conducción en estado ebrio?

La prueba química no era válida

La policía administra pruebas químicas para comprobar que una persona tiene más alcohol en su sangre que el límite legal. Pero los alcoholímetros que usan no siempre funcionan como deben. Una máquina defectuosa (enlace en inglés) puede ser suficiente para exonerar a un acusado. A veces esto ocurre cuando el abogado del acusado demuestra que la máquina no fue calibrada bien antes del arresto.

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What happens to my marital debt if I divorce?

 Posted on November 01, 2022 in Uncategorized

If you are facing divorce, you are likely to be concerned about property division. Who will get the family home? The automobiles and other prized possessions? It is a topic that can become very emotional.

On the opposite coin, divorcing couples also have to deal with the division of marital debts. This is something you may not have initially considered, but it is an important topic to keep in mind as it can majorly impact your post-divorce life.

Property division in Virginia

Virginia follows the legal concept of "equitable distribution" when it comes to the division of assets and debts in a divorce.

Some states follow "community property" laws meaning everything - assets and debts - are split relatively equally between the spouses.

In Virginia and other equitable distribution states, however, courts will divide assets and debts based on what would be fair in each given situation. While sometimes this leads to an even split, other times one party may be awarded more or less in marital assets and debt depending on what would be fair.

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As an undocumented immigrant, can Chapter 7 clear medical debt?

 Posted on October 12, 2022 in Uncategorized

As the past several years have shown, illness can strike anyone in Virginia and across the United States without warning and leave them with massive medical expenses they are unable to pay. This can be even more worrisome if the person is an undocumented immigrant.

There is a constant fear that they will be found out and deported. This is especially problematic given the attention immigration is getting amid attempts to address it. People who are trying to find ways to eliminate their medical debt should be aware of how Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help them. This is true even, for undocumented immigrants.

Am I able to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy regardless of my immigration status?

According to the law, there is no stipulation that a person needs to be a citizen of the United States or be in the country legally to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Still, they must have a Social Security number or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

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¿Que se necesita para ganar la compensación después de un choque?

 Posted on October 10, 2022 in Español

La víctima de un accidente automovilístico sufre mucho más que solo lesiones físicas. También sufre daños emocionales y sicológicos, y su familia también. La justicia requiere que se compensen todos estos daños. ¿Pero cómo se gana esta compensación tan necesitada?

Los cuatro elementos de un caso por negligencia

Después de un accidente automovilístico, la estrategia más común para la víctima es presentar una demanda por negligencia contra el conductor que fue responsable por el accidente. Un abogado para una víctima de la negligencia tiene que presentar evidencia que comprueba cuatro elementos específicos.

Primero, el abogado tendrá que comprobar que el otro conductor tuvo un deber legal de manejar en manera prudente, y que rompió ese deber manejando sin cuidado o tomando demasiados riesgos innecesarios.

Después, tendrá que comprobar la conexión causal entre la imprudencia del otro conductor y las lesiones y otros daños que sufrió usted. Por ejemplo, tendrá que comprobar que usted no hubiera sufrido esos daños sin las acciones de la otra parte.

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Crimes of moral turpitude and deportation

 Posted on October 07, 2022 in Uncategorized

The immigration laws in the United States are incredibly complex. As such, it can be difficult to navigate them and know, exactly, how divorce and criminal matters may affect your immigration status. This can be incredibly stressful, especially if you're facing criminal charges that you're afraid may lead to deportation. That's why it may be helpful for you to know more about what sorts of offenses may lead to removal. Perhaps then you can come up with a strong strategy to protect your immigration status.

The effect of crimes of moral turpitude

Under existing immigration laws, you can be denied a green card or even removed from the country if you are convicted of a "crime of moral turpitude." Someone who is convicted of one of these offenses may struggle to demonstrate that they have the good moral character necessary to successfully seek citizenship. In other words, mere allegations of having committed one of these crimes can threaten your future.

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Will the DACA program soon be coming to an end?

 Posted on September 28, 2022 in Uncategorized

Many undocumented migrants came to the United States as young children and now live and work here with few ties to the nation of their birth. It's not their fault that they ended up in the United States illegally. Unfortunately, one program in place to protect these people from deportation may soon be coming to an end.

What is DACA?

Over 600,000 people are protected from deportation through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA was instituted to protect those who were brought to the United States as children but who do not have the legal status to live and work in the country legally. Referred to as "Dreamers," these people will not be deported as long as they are not threatening public safety.

Will courts end the DACA program?

However, the DACA program could be coming to an end. While the U.S. Supreme Court upheld DACA 2020, it did so only because it believed the previous administration did not end the program the right way.

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¿Qué efecto tendrá la bancarrota en mi estatus migratorio?

 Posted on September 19, 2022 in Español

La gente que está en medio del proceso para solicitar la residencia permanente o la ciudadanía en los Estados Unidos quieren evitar cualquier tipo de problema que les pueda reducir la probabilidad de éxito. El proceso migratorio ya es bastante difícil sin algo que lo complique más. Por eso, muchos quieren saber si declarar la bancarrota tendrá un efecto negativo en su estatus migratorio o si puede prevenir que obtengan la residencia o ciudadanía que tanto desean.

Bancarrota del Capítulo 7

Bajo la ley estadounidense, hay varios tipos de bancarrota que las personas pueden solicitar, según su necesidad. Uno de los tipos más comunes es la bancarrota del Capítulo 7. Esta forma de bancarrota es apropiada para los que no tienen los recursos para cumplir con sus obligaciones financieras y que tienen ingresos limitados.

Declarar la bancarrota del Capítulo 7 puede dar a una persona espacio para respirar y volver a tomar control de sus finanzas después de estar inundado de deudas que le salieron de control.

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Regardless of immigration status, anyone can file for bankruptcy

 Posted on September 14, 2022 in Uncategorized

Whether you live in Virginia or anywhere else in another state and no matter what your immigration status, you are allowed to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy if you qualify. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows the person who is filing to eliminate their secured debts. However, unsecured debts don't fall into the same category and they must be paid off. Examples of unsecured debts are the following:

  • Credit card debts
  • Medical debts
  • Motor vehicle loans
  • Mortgages

However, there are some debts that do not fall under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, such as student loans, some types of taxes, and child support. Another name for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is liquidation bankruptcy.

How do you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

To qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your income must fall below your state's median income. As soon as you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a hold will be placed on your finances and your creditors will be notified. That means that your creditors will not be allowed to go after you legally. You will then pay your Chapter 7 debts from your assets, which have been liquidated.

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How does a DUI conviction affect your immigration status?

 Posted on September 01, 2022 in Uncategorized

If you're in the United States as an immigrant, then you know that the risk of deportation is always looming over you. Even though that may drive you to live on the straight and narrow, abiding every law that you're aware of, you can still find yourself on the receiving end of allegations of criminal wrongdoing. And when these accusations fly, you may end up facing the very real possibility of deportation.

Can you be deported for DUI?

It really depends on the circumstances of your case. So, the answer is that a DUI conviction may or may not lead to deportation. Although you can be removed for crimes of moral turpitude that occur within five or 10 years of entry, depending on your status, or if you've been convicted of two crimes of moral turpitude, drunk driving, on its own, isn't considered a crime of moral turpitude. Instead, immigration officials are going to assess the circumstances of your case to determine if your situation qualifies for removal.

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Am I allowed to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy as a non-citizen?

 Posted on August 30, 2022 in Uncategorized

A Northern Virginia resident should know that they do not have to be American citizens or even permanent residents to file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The law says that anyone who lives in the United States can file for a bankruptcy. Even a person who is not documented can file for bankruptcy. However, the person will have to present valid identification.

As a word of caution, immigrants who do file for bankruptcy should be careful to follow all of the rules for filing bankruptcy. They should also make absolutely certain to provide truthful and complete information. Not doing so can affect a person's immigration status and can also hurt the person's chances of getting approved for citizenship or a green card.

Admittedly, immigration authorities are concerned that those applying for citizenship or permanent residency will not be a financial burden. However, filing for bankruptcy or having other financial trouble is not an automatic disqualifier, especially if the person can show that they can pay their taxes.

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