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¿Cómo puedo saber si ganaré mi demanda por negligencia después de mi choque?

 Posted on August 17, 2022 in Español

Si usted recientemente ha sufrido un accidente automovilístico, seguramente se encuentra con una variedad de desafíos nuevos, como facturas médicas, discapacidades, la inhabilidad de trabajar como hacía antes, sufrimiento físico y emocional, y mucho más. Usted sabe que una demanda legal contra el conductor responsable es la única manera de obtener la compensación por estos costos, pero quizás no está seguro si es la opción ideal. ¿Cómo puede saber si tendrá éxito en su demanda?

Una demanda por negligencia

No hay manera de saber por seguro si ganará o no una demanda legal. Pero si consulta a un abogado y evalúan juntos las circunstancias del choque, puede tener una indicación general de su probabilidad de éxito.

El sistema legal existe para ofrecer a las víctimas de negligencia una oportunidad de buscar la compensación de la parte negligente que causó los daños. Hay ciertas cosas que su abogado tendrá que comprobar con evidencia en la corte para poder establecer un caso de negligencia contra el otro conductor.

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Will I face deportation if I divorce my U.S. citizen spouse?

 Posted on August 16, 2022 in Uncategorized

In today's global society it is perfectly understandable that you may have come to the United States to marry a U.S. citizen. You may have been happily married for a few months or a year or so when things fall apart, and you end up divorcing. If you are not yet a full permanent resident, does this mean you will have to leave the United States?

What is conditional permanent residency?

If you are in the country based on your marriage to a U.S. citizen, you will have conditional permanent residency until you have been in the United States for two years. Conditional permanent residency serves as a means for ensuring you did not try to get in the United States based on a sham marriage in order to get a Green Card. Once the two years have passed, you can file a Form I-751 to remove the conditions.

What happens if I divorce while I'm still a conditional permanent resident?

If, during this conditional period, you divorce then you may need to seek a waiver allowing you to file your I-751 as an individual rather than jointly. You also need to show you entered the marriage honestly and in good faith.

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How do I apply for a Green Card?

 Posted on August 02, 2022 in Uncategorized

In order to legally live and work in the United States on a permanent basis, you will need a Permanent Resident Card, more commonly known as a Green Card. You may be eligible for a Green Card if you meet the criteria listed for at least one of the following categories:

  • Family
  • Employment
  • Special Immigrant
  • Refugee or Asylee Status
  • Victims of Human Trafficking and Crimes
  • Abuse Victims
  • Registry
  • Other

Your Green Card application process will depend on whether you are currently inside the United States. However, the general process is as follows:

  • Another person sponsors you by filing a petition to support your case.
  • Once your petition has been approved with a visa in your category, you will file a Green Card Application with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
  • You will attend a Biometrics Appointment for fingerprints, photos, etc.

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What should students know about immigration and financial aid?

 Posted on July 29, 2022 in Uncategorized

Undocumented immigrants in Virginia will undoubtedly have questions about how they can try to build a life in the United States. Some will focus on simply staying and avoiding deportation. For others, the goal is to attend a college or university. In addition to questions about their status, they will also want to know if they can take advantage of programs that are available to citizens and visa holders. These include college financial aid. Knowing what undocumented people can receive without it negatively impacting their status might require professional advice.

New Virginia law lets undocumented students get financial aid

A law addressing immigrants and in-state financial aid that was passed in 2021 has gone into effect in Virginia. With this new law, colleges in Virginia will let prospective and current students seek financial aid. This extends to those who have immigration issues such as being in the process of seeking asylum. This aid can be essential for many immigrants to attend schools of higher learning.

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Did marriage equality come with divorce equality?

 Posted on July 19, 2022 in Uncategorized

For couples, regardless of same-sex or opposite-sex, getting married is the same. The law treats all couples the same now, and this is the same, supposedly, for divorce too. However, due to the legal underpinnings and timing, same-sex couples that divorce face unique challenges that should be worked out now, not during a divorce.


For divorcing opposite-sex couples, there has not been a stigma associated with divorce for decades. Indeed, if anything, the current attitude is, "find your bliss." This is not necessarily the case for Herndon, Virginia, same-sex couples.

Due to the centuries of discrimination and illegality, marriage equality was a hard-fought win. And, some in the LGBTQIA+ community feel guilty about getting a divorce, which is only reinforced by the silence on this topic from the media.

Child custody issues

In the United States, we have hundreds of years of jurisprudence on child custody, and the one thing it all has in common, across all states, is that it is based on having a "mom" and "dad." In other words, in our country, the law looks to biology, and where there is no biology, legal adoption.

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¿En qué está el DACA hoy por hoy?

 Posted on July 07, 2022 in Español

Con las mil idas y venidas que ha habido para este programa, es importante actualizarse constantemente, y le informaremos las últimas novedades a este respecto. Al día de hoy, una corte de apelaciones federal de Nueva Orleans está escuchando alegatos donde se está cuestionando la legalidad del programa.

Un más que breve resumen de su historia

Resumiendo escuetamente los acontecimientos podemos decir que este programa fue instaurado en la presidencia de Obama, suspendido por la presidencia de Trump, reinstaurado en la presidencia de Biden y hoy por hoy en una situación de limbo confusa que pasaremos a explicar.

Los hechos más recientes

En el mes de julio del año pasado, el juez del Distrito Sur de Texas Andrew Hanen, ordenó que el programa DACA era "ilegal" y prohibió al gobierno aprobar nuevas solicitudes. Respecto a solicitudes de renovación y aquellas ya otorgadas, estas no fueron suspendidas.

Esta decisión (enlace en inglés) fue apelada en el Quinto Circuito de Apelaciones. El programa fue defendido por el Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos, en una alianza con organizaciones y corporaciones proinmigrantes, defensoras de ellos como "empleados, consumidores y generadores de empleos".

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Can you prevent an international child abduction?

 Posted on July 05, 2022 in Uncategorized

Your split from your ex may have been anything but harmonious and this acrimony can bleed over into child custody disputes. If your ex is from a foreign nation, they may try to abscond to that nation with your child even if doing so violates your child custody order. There are some steps you can take to try to prevent such situations from happening.

Prevention measures

If you think your child's other parent has your child and is going to take your child out of the country, you can try to obtain a court order preventing this departure. The police may not be able to do anything to help you if you do not have a court order.

If your child's other parent does abscond abroad with your child, you can contact the police and ask that your child be listed as a missing person in the National Crime Information Center. You can also contact airlines and airport police. The United States has no exit controls so if your ex uses a plane to abscond with your child, they need to know that you have a court order prohibiting travel.

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What are employment immigration preferences for professionals?

 Posted on July 01, 2022 in Uncategorized

The United States is widely respected for its opportunities. People from around the globe often want to come to the U.S. to live, work and be educated to take advantage of them. Employers in the public and private sector are constantly looking for experienced and qualified professionals in a variety of areas whether that is computers, education, production, government, finance or other industries.

Those who come to the Virginia and the Washington, D.C., areas as visitors are often so enthusiastic about what the United States offers them personally and professionally that they decide to explore the avenues to move to the United States and work.

There are basic requirements and categories for prospective immigrants. Knowing them and following the rules can help with a smooth process, a fair determination and a positive outcome.

Priority and professional workers: how are they categorized?

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What is a conviction, for immigration purposes?

 Posted on June 17, 2022 in Uncategorized

Criminal convictions can have an enormous impact on visa holders, lawful permanent residents or anyone seeking status in the United States. While the idea of a conviction may seem obvious, like many legal terms, it's more complicated than it initially appears.

It's all about good moral character

Good moral character is one of the cornerstones of attaining and retaining, immigrant status in the U.S. Criminal convictions, or the lack of them, is a big part of establishing that character. Something that does not qualify as a conviction outside of immigration purposes may very well qualify in the context of immigration.

To qualify as a conviction, there must have been an adjudication of guilt, in some form. This could mean a finding of guilt by a judge or jury, or a plea of guilty or no contest by the individual. Even if the individual doesn't plead guilty, if they admit sufficient facts so that guilt may be implied, that could be enough to establish that a conviction has occurred, for immigration purposes.

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¿Incidirá mi divorcio en mi situación migratoria?

 Posted on June 07, 2022 in Español

Todo tiene que ver con todo dicen muchos, pero ¿qué tanto de esta frase aplica a los casos de divorcios de inmigrantes?

Si usted es un inmigrante contemplando divorciarse, residiendo en Estados Unidos, no se ha hecho ciudadano estadounidense, y ha hecho click en este post, muy probablemente se estará preguntando si su decisión de firmar los papeles de divorcio afectará su estadía en el país.

Para responder a esta pregunta, partiremos de la base de que su matrimonio fue el fundamento que le otorgó su tarjeta verde (enlace en inglés). En estos casos, existen dos supuestos diferentes: Tarjetas verdes de residencia permanente y tarjetas verdes de residencia permanente condicional. Si su matrimonio tenía menos de dos años en la fecha en que se convirtió en residente permanente, entonces se le habrá otorgado estatus de residente permanente condicional.

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