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Herndon, VA Estate Planning Attorneys

Estate Planning Services for Families in Fairfax County

Estate planning is a critical issue that families will need to address. With a comprehensive estate plan in place, a person or married couple process can ensure that their assets will distributed to family members or other parties as desired. Through their estate plan, a person can detail how matters will be handled after their death, and they can also include provisions to address the needs of different family members during their lifetime. The law firm of Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC, located in Herndon, Virginia, provides estate planning services that address all facets of a family's financial situation and a person's wishes. this important area, from drafting wills to handling complex probate processes. With our extensive experience in immigration law, we can help immigrants and their family members determine the ideal estate planning options that will protect the interests of their families.

Assistance With Wills, Trusts, and More

There are multiple types of legal documents that may be incorporated into a comprehensive estate plan. Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC can provide guidance on the best ways to use different estate planning tools, including:

  • Wills: The most foundational aspect of an estate plan will involve the creation of a last will and testament. This document will include instructions for how a person's assets will be allocated to different beneficiaries after they die. The attorneys at Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC help clients draft clear and legally sound wills that reflect their wishes and meet all legal requirements in the state of Virginia.
  • Trusts: These versatile tools will allow a person or family to manage different types of assets and distribute them to multiple beneficiaries. They can help distribute assets outside of the probate process while reducing estate taxes and ensuring that assets will be managed correctly. Our lawyers can help create various types of trusts that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of each client, including living trusts, special needs trusts, asset protection trusts, and charitable trusts.
  • Powers of attorney: These legal documents can be vital for anyone who wants to ensure that their affairs will be handled by someone they trust in case they cannot manage these issues themselves. Our attorneys can assist in drafting durable powers of attorney that will address decisions about medical care or financial management, providing peace of mind for a person who may become incapacitated.
  • Advance medical directives: Also known as living wills, these directives allow a person to state their wishes for medical care in case they may not be able to communicate those decisions due to illness or incapacitation. The legal team at Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC ensures that these directives fully articulate a person's desires clearly and are compliant with Virginia laws.

Addressing Immigration Issues in Estate Planning

A person's immigration status can significantly impact the estate planning process. Non-U.S. citizens or people who have family members with different immigration statuses may face unique estate planning challenges. The attorneys at Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC understand how issues related to immigration can affect the distribution of assets through wills and trusts. We can address estate tax implications that may affect immigrants and their family members, as well as any other concerns about whether different beneficiaries will be able to inherit property. We can provide strategic advice and guidance on creating estate plans that take the residency status of different family members into account while providing for potential future changes that may affect immigrants.

Probate and Estate Administration

After a person's death, their assets will be distributed to their heirs and other issues related to their estate will be addressed through the probate process. This process will involve the validation of the person's will, an inventory of the estate's assets, the settling of debts, and the distribution of property as directed by the will or state law. The attorneys at Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC provide guidance for executors and beneficiaries during the probate process. We can provide legal support at every step, ensuring that legal requirements will be met and that assets will be distributed correctly.

Contact Our Fairfax County Estate Planning Attorneys

When creating or updating an estate plan, it is crucial to consult with a knowledgeable attorney who can help address specific issues involving your family, assets, and immigration status. The team at Immigration Legal Advisors, PLLC has the skill and sensitivity needed to handle these matters with care and precision. To discuss your estate planning needs, contact us at 571-441-2233 and set up a complimentary consultation.

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